Sponsors: $175/annually
Members: $75/annual
Welcome to the Retreat Alliance application form! Please carefuly review the information below. By submitting the form below, you are indicating that you agree with the framework for the alliance, which is as follows:
Our ministry affirms that:
We are a retreat ministry focused on providing accommodations for pastors, ministers, missionaries, and/or other vocational Christian workers for the purpose of rest, recreation, spiritual renewal, encouragement, counseling, coaching, and/or therapy.
Our statement of faith is in line with the National Association of Evangelicals (https://www.nae.org/statement-of-faith/)
We strive to provide facilities and/or services based on a model of excellence and that are consistent with our advertisements and public communications.
- We affirm that the Retreat Alliance offers us an opportunity to collaborate with like-minded organizations, and we desire to do so in a spirit of cooperation to better accomplish our mission.
Thank you!
Oliver Dossmann